Thursday, March 02, 2006

You're It!

This 'getting tagged' makes writing blog entries much simpler. And this time I have Kate Walker to thank. She did it a few days ago and I've been up to my eyeballs in revisions of The Book (yes, it's ba-a-a-a-ack) so I haven't had time.

But now . . . here we go.

current clothing: wool sweater, faded formerly red t-shirt, tan cords, wool socks (It's COLD here!), walking-the-dogs-in-mud-snow-and-ice boots.
current hair: needs cutting, brown, floppy, desperately needs conditioner at this time of year so it doesn't look like I stand around all day sticking my finger in a light socket (or power point, if that's what you call them where you live).
current refreshment: cuppa tea. What else?
current avoidance: revisions, putting clean sheets on the guest room bed (if I do it too soon they will be covered with dog hair before the guest has a chance to arrive, let alone lie down).
current smell: Pacifica soap from New Zealand, which always reminds me of sand and surf. Love it.
current thing you ought to be doing: revisions, putting clean sheets on the guest room bed (see above. The dogs are prowling, waiting . . . shedding)
current thing or things on your wall: bookshelves. They hang from the wall -- I hate to think what the tonnage must be. Worrisome, actually. On the bookshelves -- pics of kids, grandkids, dogs and a cowboy I know and love. Behind me, two honest-to-goodness paintings that became the covers of my two earliest Presents books done by the wonderful Ray Oliviere, who actually gave them to me (bless his heart).
person you're currently talking to: anyone who can help me avoid revisions. I talk to the dogs during the day. They don't answer back (much), but they don't interrupt, either.
current jewellery: wedding ring on left hand. Narrow silver band with a tiny bit of turquoise on my right.
current book: Reading: Jill Mansell's Making Your Mind Up. Writing - Bloody Theo. Well, that's not what it's called, but that's what I'm calling it at the moment. Who knows what they will call it, but it better not have the word tycoon in it! (Though I don't mind Greek because he is -- ancestrally)
current worry: that I won't get my revisions done before next Wednesday.
current favorite celebrity: I just got done watching the Shakespeare Retold version of Much Ado About Nothing for probably the seventh time, so right now it is Damian Lewis.
current obsession: Obviously the Shakespeare Retold version of Much Ado About Nothing. If you watch something seven times, you have to be a bit obsessed. It isn't just Damian -- the script is great, too. Yea, David Nicholls, who wrote it.
current love: The Professor (husband)
current longing: to be done with revisions. Or at least to have them continue to go well (when they are going, which presently they are not because I'm writing this instead).
current disappointment: that revisions don't miraculously write themselves as I think of them, but that they need every bit as much concentration to get right as getting the book not-quite-right did the first time through.
current lyric in your head: Help Yourself (Tom Jones) -- it's the opening of Much Ado About Nothing. I told you I was obsessed.
current music: see above -- but only in my head. Nothing competing on the stereo.
current favorite book: Bloody Theo. Also Most Hated at the moment. Last really memorable book I read: Jane Porter's The Frog Prince.
current favorite movie: Do you have to ask? I also adored Dear Frankie. And Bon Voyage. And I love Nobody's Fool.
current wish: something to do with revisions. Can't remember what.
current undergarments: yes.
current desktop picture: the kids, the grandkids, the cowboy, the dogs and Bob Fuller who played Jess Harper on Laramie, who was the inspiration for quite a few of my cowboy heroes, and who proved not long ago in reality that I had excellent taste in men when I was 13 years old.
current plans for tonight/weekend: Tonight - revisions. Weekend -- the houseguest (we're watching Much Ado About Nothing, of course!)

What about you? Now you're it!


Blogger Kate Walker said...

So I guess you liked that Shakespeare Retold DVD I sent - well, actually I sent it to The Professor - has he had a look in at it yet?

And Damian even supersedes Rufus??? Well, yes it's a tough call. Rub some canine heads for me and say Hi to Houseguest - and of course the Prof - and Damian when you watch him again.

And good luck with those revisions



03 March, 2006  
Blogger Michelle Styles said...

Kate walker says that you have had your first cataract operation. Isn't it wonderful? The things you can see. It gets better after the second op as well!

Keep putting the drops in and remember to rest your eyes. :)

10 March, 2006  

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