Sunday, May 28, 2006

Map Cabinet Revisited

The map cabinet has moved.

It took over the living room to such an extent that we decided it would be better off elsewhere (or we would be). So it replaced a desk in the dining room. The desk, of course, is now busy over-powering the living room, but I have promised to refinish it for one of our sons who, bless him, agreed to give it a home.

Anyway, The Map Cabinet At Home ( I feel like it should get visitors who leave calling cards) . . .

At Kate Walker's request I have provided a subject for size comparison. This is Gunnar, a 70 lb flatcoat retriever (and possibly something else). If you've never met a flatcoat, he's sort of a finer-boned golden retriever in size. NOT, I hasten to add, in personality. Or, of course, in color. Enough said.

Gunnar is there to make the map cabinet look handsome. And, of course, to look handsome himself. (Disregard the food bowl, which Micah, one of the goldens, moves around the house as the mood hits him, and the crumpled rug in the bottom right corner -- ditto)


Blogger anne frasier said...

why do i have the sudden urge for tea...?


through that door is the kitchen. i've had many a nice cup of tea in there. :)

oh, and the map cabinet and gunnar? magnificent!

29 May, 2006  
Blogger Anne McAllister said...

You're welcome any time, Anne! Kate has just sent a new shipment from England -- Tesco's finest (?) darjeeling and some Dilmah, a nice Ceylon black tea we discovered while in New Zealand. Then there's the box of HyVee standard brand. Take your pick!

29 May, 2006  
Blogger Kate Walker said...

Can I join you for tea?

I'll pass on the Darjeeling - but then Anne would say I drink it so weak, it doesn't matter what sort of tea it is.

But the map cabinet looks wonderful - so handsome and - mellow I think is the word. And so does Gunnar - handsome and mellow. Like Anne I have happy memories of that carpet, Gunnar - even the rug and the moving food bowl. Put the kettle on!

29 May, 2006  
Blogger Anne McAllister said...

Kate, you're welcome for tea any time (we'll wave a teabag in the direction of your cup). The kettle is on! C'mon over!

30 May, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Map Cabinet is a very handsome piece of furniture it would dominate any room it lived in, perhaps a ballroom would be able to bring it down in size.
Gunnar is even more handsome than the Cabinet (Sorry cabinetmaker) and Micha obviously has abstract poetic licence when it comes to setting a scene.
I'm with you Kate, you have to drink tea weak so you can taste and enjoy the flavour. Strong tea just tastes like strong tea, no subtlety.

31 May, 2006  

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