Tuesday, September 12, 2006

It works!

I don't suppose it's a divine revelation to report that my "writer's serenity prayer" actually worked. But I believe it has. And this morning I couldn't have told you that was true. In fact, this morning I was not sure at all whether Spence and Sadie might not have lived out their lives as a part of this blog and had their story on my website, because there were some things that were not going to change. And fortunately they haven't had to.

This is not to say that some things didn't. They did. One very big thing changed -- but I would agree it changed for the better, that the book can be a better book with this change. And I'm happy to make it because what I wanted to stay, stayed: the premise, the characters' integrity, and the emotional arc they travel in the course of their story.

What we have agreed on now preserves that and I am delighted. I'm actually eager to tackle the rest because it all flows from a premise I believe in. It lets Spence and Sadie be Spence and Sadie. Even more so than they were, I think.

So I'm happy. Ed's happy. And Spence and Sadie can have a working vacation in England, which ought to please them no end. Not, of course, that they were getting bored with Fiji!



Blogger Michelle Styles said...

Oh hooray for you! (And Spoence andSadie of course) It is good that they get to be even better but true to their emotional throughline. And can you explain the emotional throughline, please? You know me -- always curious!

Looking forward to seeing you next week.

13 September, 2006  

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