Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Look Ma, No Ducks!

So, the ducks have gone -- and in fact, have gone again, winging their way west this time.

I had a call this morning from my editor who had read them -- and cried at the end, she says. Presumably good tears, though possibly just tears of relief that I'd finished the damn thing. She accepted them, has finished line-editing them, titled them, and this afternoon sent them winging on their way back across the pond to Toronto for copyediting.

Whew. Must be nice to be able to move that fast. I wonder why writing takes so long.

Anyway, Spence and Sadie are going to be called The Boss's Wife For A Week. Trust me, this is not my title. But it is at least a title that reflects a part of the book's premise, though I promise you it is more than a simple "hiring a wife for a week" story. Promise, promise, promise. I am rather fonder of simply Wife For A Week (yes, I know Kelly Hunter just used that title. In fact I read her book on the plane home from England. Good book, too!). But the editor says she wants the word "Boss" in there because people buy the word "Boss." (I wonder why I keep spelling it "Boos" and then having to change it. Freudian? And if so, what does it mean?)

So, I hope lots of people really want to buy the word "Boss" which is not exactly a 'grabber' for me, but must be for some. Whatever. I don't care.

I have a title for my next book already in my head. I just need a book to go with it. I'm thinking about Flynn and Sara from The Great Montana Cowboy Auction. Their story seems to be bubbling up.

But first, I'm really thinking I need to dust about a hundred pounds of dust out of my house. Amazing what has accumulated while Spence and Sadie were taking up all my time.


Blogger Kate Walker said...

Yea! Congratulations on the Ducks Bought And Paid For.

Wishing The Boss's Duck For A Week every success - and just hoping they all stay intheir rows on the return flight across the pond.

Come to think of it, I just saw a vee formation of ducks fly over . . . I hope that wasn't yours because they were heading Sought and so quite the wrong way

Kate whose word verification was bletdst - the dust balls you're finding under the bed perhaps?

24 October, 2006  
Blogger Anne McAllister said...

Heading "sought" were they? Uh-oh. Sounds like someone needs to do a bit of herding ducks. Happily that falls outside my job description.

Thanks for the good wishes! It's a lovely feeling, having them GONE!

Good luck on Andreas.

Yes, the dust bunnies (ducks?) under the bed are very likely bletdsts. And then some.

word verification: vligasm?
Think we'll leave that one well enough alone!

24 October, 2006  
Blogger Michelle Styles said...

Hooray for the Ducks and Spence and Sadie. I did so enjoy them.

Hopefully Flynn will not be as much trouble.

My ducks are definately in a phalanx which is much more than I hoped this morning.

Starter for ten -- zyjpd

24 October, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Does that mean I've had one too many and am slurring I said?!

Anyway, many congratulations on completing the revisions and everything being tied up and accepted. Good job but I know how it feels when it wasn't what you meant it to be.

Delighted to hear you already have something in mind after you have had some R&R and it will be great to catch up with Flynn & Sara from TGMCA!

Best wishes,

25 October, 2006  

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