Sunday, November 05, 2006

Let Sleeping Cats Lie

It's Guy Fawkes day today, which means not very much to those of us on this side of the pond (except for those of us whose husbands teach English literature). It means a great deal, though, to C.A.T.s who live on the other side of the pond where loud bangs and whatnot disrupt the general tranquility of the night.

In an attempt to provide an oasis of quiet and calm amidst the banging and flashing -- a refuge for Cats Who Are Annoyed By Noise, my dear friend Kate Walker bought Sid a slumber dome. He calls it a pleasure dome, which means he's been reading too much Coleridge, but he has taken to it with great enthusiasm. And he -- and she -- had hoped that it would suffice to keep him settled during the Fawkesian noisemaking.

Not so. It appears that slumber domes -- or pleasure domes -- are not sound proof. They are comfy and cozy, but still noisy. And Sid has written me to complain. I have invited him to visit me next year, promising that there will be no untoward noise on November 5th over here. He is considering booking a ticket. He has asked, however, if his pleasure dome might come with him. I imagine it will fit right in the seat on the plane and he'll be fine.

I'm going out for coffee with Flynn and Sara. Lots is happening. If you don't see characters for 6 years, they apparently have a lot to say. I might have to go back and mine my other books for useful secondary characters. Or I might have to bury all the characters I want to write about in the future in this book, so I can come back to them down the road and find out what's been going on.

I've just spent two happy hours this morning researching my "male on Monday" contribution to The Pink Heart Society's blog page. He's going to be featured November 27th.

And no, it's not Hugh. They did him already -- he was the lead-off male. Of course, we could always do him again. And again.

But I'm quite happy with the male on Monday I'm writing about. I asked for him -- and I was thrilled when Trish said, "Go for it."

ps: it's not Sid, either. But don't tell him that.


Blogger Kate Walker said...

That cat gets almost as much exposure on your blog as one Mr H Jackman.

Sid would like you to know that the bangs and flashes have gone now - but the Slumber Dome is still very pleasant indeed - in fact, more so when there are no bangs and flashes. He gets more slumbering done - and a lot more pleasure

And where is my copy of Men's Vogue - you promised! After all I gave you my copy of Premiere

Kate - who can't make anything out of today's word verification - gzfsg

06 November, 2006  
Blogger Anne McAllister said...

Well, at least you're not saying I "stole" your copy of Premiere anymore. Men's Vogue is here waiting for me to get to the post office. And lovely it is, too. It would only be improved by the addition of cats with flabsacks.

gzfsg? Sounds like snorting water up your nose.

06 November, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That Sid sure gets around. I never know where he will pop up. It's always nice to see him or find him in a book.

Anne and Kate I look forward to many more books. I can always count on a good read from you two.

07 November, 2006  
Blogger Anne McAllister said...


Yes, you never know where Sid will turn up next. He's got spots all over the internet.

Thanks for the kind words. Kate and I hope you continue to enjoy our books.

07 November, 2006  

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