Friday, December 12, 2008

Blogging and blogging

I never blog but it pours.

Or something.

I have these revisions, which are not yet done. Sigh. And I need to be doing them -- this weekend. But I also have commitments to blog -- and so I've spend a chunk of today trying to figure out what earth-shattering things I have to say.

In the face of revisions, I opted for the easy way out tomorrow (Saturday) on the Tote Bags 'n' Blogs site where I'm sharing a couple of seriously tasty recipes for the holidays. If you are a fan of cranberries in baked goods, stop by. If not, stop by anyway and tell me what recipes you like. You could win a copy of Antonides' Forbidden Wife.

Then Monday I'm going to be blogging at Fresh Fiction, which meant I had to write it today. And you know when your mind goes blank from having been on overload for way too long -- well, that's the way mine was today. And so I fell back on the tried and true.

I talked about where I get my ideas! People are always asking, aren't they? Well, Monday you can find out the answer -- briefly -- at least as it applies to where I got some of the ideas that led me to write Antonides Forbidden Wife.

Where did PJ and Ally come from?

No, I'm not giving you a birds and bees lecture. I'm talking about literary conception, nothing else.

But stop by on Monday for a visit at Fresh Fiction if you're interested. I'd love to see some friendly faces. Or read some comments from people I know.

The other thing I'm doing is waiting for a very appropriate memorial to Gunnar, which I will share when it arrives. It's the only thing that doesn't make me cry whenever I think about him. It makes me smile. We're getting there. And I know he'd love it.

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