Thursday, July 20, 2006

Life . . . and other distractions

I was supposed to be getting 7000 words done this week. So far I've managed 4,500. I had to take all day yesterday away because 1) the thunderstorms rolled through with such amazing frequency that every time I got going, I had to shut down again; and 2) I needed to figure out the sequence of upcoming scenes for the new chapters.

Some authors figure that out early. They know every step of the way how their book is going to develop. I know roughly what's going to happen. I don't know when and how and I certainly don't know which scenes will develop. That's something I realize as I go along. So Spence and Sadie were in flight -- and I was like the air traffic control person, figuring out where they were going to land, and then the tour guide who was going to get to pick the places they go. I think I've got it pretty much figured out now. I hope. So today we get back on the bus. Er, plane. And then we get off again.

In the meantime the grandsons have been here going to summer sports camp which is good for them and fun for us. Nothing like a houseful of exhausted boys starting at 9:00 at night. They are gone all day and all evening and then they come home and eat and eat and eat (but they assure me they also eat during the day) and then they do guy stuff and by 10:30 they are dragging off to sleep without my having to say a word. It's lovely what flat out running all day will do.

I'm also packing. Off for Seattle tomorrow to the bridal shower of the almost daughter-in-law. Looking forward to that very much. It's been YEARS since I've been to Seattle. So that will be fun. But mostly I'll enjoy meeting her family. And, of course, seeing the groom. As you might imagine, I am very very fond of the groom. I will get to see him for part of one day, and then he has to go back to work. But I'll take what I can get.

Got a new camera, so hope to get some good photos. Anyone want to see shots of Seattle? I hope to oblige. Right now I'm still trying to figure out how to get rid of Mitch's red eyes. I have NEVER mastered 'red eye reduction.' If anyone has a clue how to do it, would you please comment and tell me?

The RWA conference will be being held in Atlanta July 26-29. I'm obviously not going to be there. But I am going to be dropping into Lucy Monroe's blog where she is hosting a "virtual conference." I'm looking forward to that. Will also be giving away copies of the Pelican Cay trilogy there as well as some Code of the West books. So do drop by -- and send everyone you know who is missing Atlanta this year. Maybe we can have our own conference online every year if this works. I'd be happy to host a session or two!

I'll put up links to Lucy's blog on Monday. I should have time to breathe then. Will still be in Seattle, but hope to be able to get online and at least do that much. Then will fly home on Tuesday. So I'll be at Lucy's on Wednesday and probably sometime each day during the rest of her conference. Stop by.

If you read my blog entry about Possible Loves, here's an update. A Brazilian friend of mine said she thought Amores Possiveis (the Brazilian title) reflected Brazilian life in all its variety very well. She also recommended another Brazilian film, O Homen Que Copiava, (The Man Who Copied) as being even better. I've just put it on my list and should get to see it when I get back from Seattle. In the meantime, if anyone has seen it or has opinions, let's hear them.

And just for the record, Sadie wasn't snoring.


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