Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Calling All Irish . . .

Okay, it's like this -- I've been to Ireland once. For less than 8 hours. In fact I wasn't supposed to be there that long, but the plane was delayed. So what I know about Ireland in person is confined to the airport. So I need help.

Flynn, my hero, is Irish. He's spent a lot of his adult life elsewhere. But home is Ireland, specifically a drafty old castle of sorts in Ireland. Flynn is, to his dismay, an earl. He has traditions and responsibilities and hundreds of years of history at his back. And it's gaining on him.

He also has a woman he loves, but that I can deal with. Or at least that I'm familiar with. What I need is advice on Ireland. I need somewhere to put his drafty old castle.

So, if you are Irish, or have been to Ireland, or have stumbled across a nifty website that you think would make a great setting for Flynn to have spent his childhood in -- please tell me. I am perfectly open to suggestions. I would love to get a virtual look at some great places. So if you know any, tell me about them.

You can leave a comment here, or you can go to my website and click on the Contact Anne tab to send me an email. I will be very grateful, believe me. So grateful that if I pick your spot, I'll be sure to send you a copy of the book when it's a 'real book.'

And if you know a great place and don't tell me, then don't grumble when you see what I pick. The time is NOW. Let me hear from you! Thanks.


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