Sunday, December 03, 2006

Better and Better . . .

Here Come The Brides has gained another bride!

I mentioned the other day that Kate Walker and I were going to do a contest starting at New Year's Day (or as close as we can manage thereafter) celebrating our February brides in her book, The Italian's Forced Bride and mine, The Santorini Bride.

Now I'm delighted to announce that wonderful Harlequin Romance/Tender author Liz Fielding is going to join us in the contest with her February title, The Valentine Bride!

We're still working out the particulars (as well as getting ready for Christmas and writing books and correcting galleys and walking dogs and humoring cats and many many other things) so I can't give them all to you now.

But stay tuned. Developments will be leaked as they become known. And all will be revealed on New Year's Day -- or as soon thereafter as we can persuade our webmistresses to manage.

Speaking of better and better, have you noticed the flag total? It's over 30 now! The last addition was the Czech Republic. Delighted to have you, friends from Brno. Please stop back and visit again. I'm always delighted to see a Czech edition of one of my books. I once got to write a letter to readers for The Stardust Cowboy in the Czech edition and had an interesting correspondence with an editor in the Czech office. I'm always so impressed at how many places my books turn up. Romance really is enjoyed the world around!

Spence and Sadie are halfway through galleys. It's nice having them home for a visit. They're so happy they make Flynn and Sara jealous. Good.

Then maybe Flynn and Sara will get to work and make their own happy ending!


Blogger Unknown said...

A bride contest? Can't wait to hear the details.

04 December, 2006  
Blogger Christa said...

I love how the characters are acting like children, with their little jealousy fits. Just goes to show Flynn and Sara that the universe does not revolve around them.

04 December, 2006  
Blogger Anne McAllister said...

You're right, Christa. This is something that Flynn is beginning to figure out. Sara got a handle on that five years ago when she had his child! Children have a way of doing that for us.

04 December, 2006  
Blogger Christa said...

I was looking at that first picture of that bride and wondering why does cleavage alway seem to look better in a wedding dress. maybe it's time for coffee

05 December, 2006  
Blogger Anne McAllister said...

You know, you're right, Christa! The hairstyle looks better on a bride than it would on me, too!

05 December, 2006  

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