The bus stopped!
Happily Christo and Natalie and I are no longer standing on the corner watching all the buses go by. Ours has stopped, the door has opened, and we have hopped on.
We have a story!
At least we think we do. And we're giving it a shot. It remains to be seen how long the euphoria lasts. But at least the bus hasn't passed us by. We even have something of a route map. Though I don't put a lot of stock in them as they've been known to mess me up before.
Still it's fun to be underway. Keep your fingers crossed that we have a good trip.
We get to go to Brazil for part of it. That should be exciting. Sadly I'm not going to get to go in person. Not this time.
But I have a friend who lives there, and a son who spent a year working there, and surely there must be some of you out there who would like to chime in with details I can't live without.
Christo's father is a former footballer (soccer player for the Americans among us) from Brazil. I haven't decided where he's from yet. Sao Paulo? Rio? Fortaleza? My son's friend from work was from Fortaleza so he spent time there. My friend lives outside Sao Paulo. I have another friend from Rio.
But Brazil is a big country. Suggestions, anyone?
I'm filling the box for Christo. And while I'm at it, I'm filling a couple of other boxes as well.
Remember George, the physicist who never comes out of the lab? He's on the list, believe it or not. He's actually going to get a book! He even has a heroine. Who knew!
So does Demetrios, his brother. Not the same heroine, I'm happy to report.
Three new heroes. Yikes.
So Christo and Nat and I have to get moving -- otherwise Demetrios and George will be misbehaving. Heroes don't like to stand around. If they have to wait in line for their books, they are inclined to be difficult.